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Dr. Joe Malone
Feb 21, 20213 min read
Additional Desires of Women
Although women generally find high testosterone men attractive and especially around the time of their ovulation,there are still more...

Dr. Joe Malone
Feb 21, 20214 min read
Vicious Cycles
In 28 Days, Gabrielle Lichterman lays out how women can practically chart their lifestyle by where they are in their cycles. It is...

Dr. Joe Malone
Feb 21, 20213 min read
Women’s Orgasmic Paradox
Young women should understand the finer points of the development of their sexuality. If you are a young lady reading this, you probably...

Tony Bradshaw
Feb 11, 20212 min read
What Women Want
“Literature is mostly about having sex and not much about having children. Life is the other way around.” - DAVID LODGE Female Choice...
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