Advisory Board
Our vision is to connect the science of women's health and sexual wellness to influencers who can carry the information to reach a larger audience. By working together in a collaborative force, we will have a broader and lasting impact on women's lives.
The advisory board is a group of women with special qualifications and life experiences relating to young women’s health and sexual wellness. There are women with professional credentials that apply, such as science PhD’s and nutritionists, as well as media personalities, and women who have experience working specifically with women’s groups such as sororities. Additionally, each brings her own lived experience in this area and gives invaluable personal insight to navigating the life stage that these college-age women are traversing.
All of our board members care very deeply about the well-being of young women and are working together on this collaboration to improve women's lives and health.

Jody Malone
Mrs. Jody Malone has been married to Joe Malone for over 40 years. She is his first line of advice. Jody is, and has been, involved in a number of different careers including professional recording artist Jody Lynn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEFh5GfKUjU&list=PLR4Qjuec_1FPN9A79S1sbKMpGnEaEeDG9 with two independent label deals, visual coordinator/faux finisher, and professional personal chef, just to name a few. Mrs. Malone has a wealth of talent in most artistic fields. She also is a published altered art/scrapbooker as well as a devoted and very proficient gardener. The Malone couple’s greatest accomplishment to date is their two children and four grandchildren who live nearby. They love to spend time with their grandchildren and help them to mature into responsible, excellent citizens like their parents have. Family is very high on the Malone’s list of priorities, being second only to serving God.

Dr. Monica O'Rourke
Dr. Monica O’Rourke is a kinesiology professor in the college of health science and research faculty member for the Dr. Paul and Annie Kienel Leadership Institute’s Ph.D. leadership studies program. She holds a PhD in Health and Human Performance from Middle Tennessee State University and has taught for many years at various universities.
Dr. O’Rourke served (2017-2019) as the California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD) state future professional liaison for California universities. O’Rourke has over 25 years’ experience in the health, fitness, sports industries, including director for the Center for Maximizing Wellness, and director of physical education K-12 programs’. O’Rourke has presented nationally on health, human performance, psychosocial constructs of leadership, examining behavior with the Disconnected Values Model (Anshel, 2008), intrinsic motivation/perceived competence, and mental health wellness among leaders and affiliates.

​Erin Smith
Dr. Erin Smith holds a Health and Biomedical Ph.D. in the perinatal and developmental physiology group, Department of Pediatrics & Child Health, the University of Otago in Wellington, New Zealand. Erin has investigated how a maternal diet high in added fructose from sweetened beverages influences offspring's risk of metabolic diseases later in life. This research is not only important to women’s health science advancement but also impacts the future health of at least two subsequent generations. Upon obtaining her Ph.D. Mrs. Smith plans to use current research to find innovative solutions to improve nutritional health through public health policies and community programs.
For the past seven years, she was the founder and executive of a non-profit website Imprinted Legacy (www.imprintedlegacy.com) whose mission is to share the message of DOHaD (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease) with the general public in a way they can understand. In her work so far, Erin has collaborated with other scientists, physicians, and public health departments, hosted webinars and co-hosted live events providing supportive resources, as well as managed closed Facebook groups. She plans to co-author a book with Dr. Malone focused on improving reproductive age generally, and particularly perinatal women’s wellness on a population scale.

Kristyn Marshall
​Kristyn Marshall is a wife and a lover of Jesus who uses everything from transformative coaching, discipling, writing, and teaching to cultivate leadership and inspire others. Kristyn is a dynamic speaker who loves teaching Christian education and building church leadership. Professionally, Kristyn has seven years of experience working as an executive administrator and HR professional. Kristyn holds two master’s degrees—An MS in worship studies with an emphasis in Pastoral Counseling and an MBA in Human Resource Management. For further inquiries for coaching and premarital counseling, please contact her via email at kmarshall24@liberty.edu.

Sarah Harris
Sarah Harris is a wife, mom, and Registered Dietitian in private practice in Nashville, TN. Sarah has a Masters of Nutrition from Middle Tennessee State University. Her focus with nutrition clients centers around a diet of living foods and an understanding that every aspect of our lives affects and is affected by what we eat, including the health of our families. She met Joe as a student at Middle Tennessee State University in personal conditioning and understood the groundbreaking information he shared in class and the importance of the connections he forged between his students and has worked with him since to improve the wellbeing of the next generation.

Emily Hibard
Emily Hibard holds a master’s degree in Nonprofit Management and, in 2012, she founded a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization called Idle Tuesdays Recording Studio in Los Angeles, California.
When Ms. Hibard was 23 years old, she accidentally witnessed little boys, little girls, and women being sold into sex slavery. That experience profoundly impacted her. For the past 15 years, Emily has partnered with organizations working with the commercial sex industry, forced prostitution, human trafficking, sex slavery, pedophilia, and sexual abuse.
Emily serves on the Advisory Board of the Hoving Home, a faith-based residential facility helping women overcome life altering issues such as sex work, early childhood trauma, and chemical dependency.
Ms. Hibard is the Business Manager for Crissy Outlaw, an extraordinary woman who left the porn industry when one man told her she was created for a purpose. Crissy is an inspirational speaker, and shares her story about life before, during, and after porn.

Angela Blair
Angela Blair is an influencer in the women's community with a passion for inspiring and elevating women to discover self-love, become the best version of themselves, and embrace God's truth for their lives.
Angela Blair is a national television host, speaker, and filmmaker. Appearing on Fox News, CBS, Fox Sports, CBN, and NBC, Angela has covered international stories ranging from covering entertainment, human interest stories to politics.
On-air covering presidential campaigns and debates from working on set with Morgan Freeman’s ‘Story of God’ featured on National Geographic, Blair has a passion for bridging the worlds of film and faith.
Her personal story of faith was first aired on a national television series on NBC with executive producer Eva Longoria, after winning a reality docu-series called ‘Ready for Love.’ It was there her stance of purity and waiting for marriage was shared with over 5,000,000 viewers Internationally. Blair advocated for healthy dating and boundaries, where she often received pushback for that decision being “outdated” or “crazy.”

Katie Bulmer
Katie is host of the Truth for your Twenties podcast and keynote speaker to over 50 colleges nationwide. Her mission in life is to be who she needed when she was younger and to help young women understand their worth.
Katie offers online mentoring, free quizzes, and digital courses all to help young women define a healthy relationship.
Katie, her husband, and two daughters can often be found hiking the mountains of Chattanooga or finding the restaurant with the best guacamole in town.